We are twenty-three American creators’ organizations, representing over 85,000 authors, photographers and artists, united to receive foreign reprographic royalties and direct them to benefit every American creator.

Through Our Member Associations

Non-title-specific foreign reprographic royalties received by ACA are distributed to our Member Associations. These funds are mandated to benefit every American creator, and not just an organization’s members.

ACA funds have supported American creators through:

  • Federal copyright advocacy initiatives
  • Copyright amicus briefs
  • Copyright education for creators
  • Advocacy with the U.S. Copyright Office
  • First Amendment amicus briefs
  • Direct support of creators’ First Amendment rights
  • Scholarship programs
  • Grant programs
  • Diversity programs
  • Model contracts
  • Authors’ and creators’ access to legal advice
  • Educational webinars and seminars
  • Arts outreach for the incarcerated
  • Educational programming including You Tube channels
  • Books outreach programs to underserved communities

Through Our Individual Author Distributions Program

ACA pays title-specific foreign reprographic royalties directly to identified photographers, artists and writers. We are proud to help support a vibrant, growing American arts community. To date, over $3 million has been paid to more than 3,000 creators. Are we looking for you? Visit our Individual Author Distributions Program page to find out.

In the face of escalating challenges to our freedom to read, student voices are both crucial and often unheard. This video is more than just a collection of testimonials—it's a tool for you to use in conversations, promotions, and educational settings to highlight the profound impact of banned books.

Mystery Writers of America is dedicated to promoting higher regard for crime writing and recognition, respect for those who write within the genre, and general literacy. As part of our mission, we’ve created this educator’s page with links to mystery-based reading and writing learning exercises.